JT: I need your address.
Ruby: Don't you have it in your system?
JT: No. I need it for your school district.
Ruby: You can get your GED online.
JT: I majored in finance at MSU, bitch.

Gregg: Um, you move fast.
Annie: I work with him.
Gregg: Of course you do.
Annie: He's my boss.
Gregg: Of course he is.

Sara: Did he do it?
Ruby: It's complicated.
Sara: Did he do what they said he did?
Ruby: Yes.
Sara: Then he should stay in jail.

Stan: You know what I was thinking about? How you sat at my table and you pretended like we were the same.
Turner: Not so much, huh?
Stan: Not at all. Brother. Not at all.

Gregg: Look, uh, I wouldn't get too comfortable here.
Noah: What does that mean?
Gregg: Well, I just don't think she knows what she really wants.
Noah: Well, I think she knows what she doesn't want.

I'm a d-bag, okay? So I know when I see one. Just be careful.

Gregg [to Annie]

Rio: They put your panties in his mouth?
Beth: Don't say panties.
Rio: Oh please don't tell me you call them underwear, don't be that lady.
Beth: None of this is funny.

He left me. And he took my kids.


So. I love you, I mean obvs. Whatever you...it's not half as bad as I feel, okay? I'm as low as it gets. I'm disgusting. I'm sewage. You know how they drain it for fertilizer or whatever, I'm what they can't use. I'm the sewage so rancid they have to bury it a hundred miles in the earth and hope that no one ever finds it. I'm that garbage.

Ruby [to Beth]

Ruby: Will you go easy on her?
Agent Turner: No. But you will get to keep your husband.

Did you come to steal my baby like you stole my husband?

Nancy [to Annie]

Annie: Have you called her yet?
Beth: No.
Annie: Are you gonna?
Beth: She's talking to the F.B.I.
Annie: Yeah, they were gonna lock Stan up. They were gonna take her kids. I mean, she's obviously, like, sick about it.
Beth: Yeah. She should be. She almost turned us in.
Annie: Yeah, almost.
Beth: So, you're just gonna trust her?
Annie: I've known her for like ten thousand years.
Beth: Exactly.
Annie: Well, you don't just throw that away over almost.

Good Girls Season 2 Quotes

Rio: What are you doing, Elizabeth?
Beth: I don't know. I just want it to be over.

Stan: I'm not lying to my kids.
Ruby: Okay.
Stan: That's your M.O.