Dean: Well, I can't risk it, okay?
Beth: You?
Dean: Yeah, me.
Beth: I'm taking all the risk.
Dean: Well, I have the most to lose.

Beth: How many kids?
Phoebe: Two.
Beth: Names?
Phoebe: Tom and Sally.
Annie: Cuz it's 1958?

Rio: So, dinner was fun. Yeah?
Beth: Parts of it.

Stan: Beth can't be apart of this.
Ruby: Okay.
Stan: I mean she makes everything about her.
Ruby: You're right.
Stan: No, I don't think you're hearing what I'm saying.
Ruby: I am.
Stan: She does whatever she wants, whenever she wants.
Ruby: I know.
Stan: And the rules don't ever apply.

Annie: So, what happens if you don't get it?
Ruby: That'd be bad.
Beth: How bad?
Ruby: Like gang friend level.

Ruby: What happens when his boss has a boss?
Annie: And that boss has a boss.
Ruby: We work harder and harder.
Annie: And get poorer and poorer.
Ruby: And still end up deader and deader.
Annie: And deader. Cuz there's three of us.

Ben: What's in the backpack?
Annie: Mostly tampons.
Ben: Can I see?
Annie: You know what's so weird?
Ben: Guns?
Annie: You didn't go to bed a cop.
Ben: Drugs?
Annie: But you woke up one.
Ben: Body parts?
Annie: Remind me never to get up early again.

Dave: When do you meet the boss?
Beth: Oh, I'm still waiting on my EVite.

You never really needed me.

Dr. Cohen [to Annie]

Annie: Can I ask you something?
Dr. Cohen: Okay.
Annie: Do you really want to be with me? Or do you just not want to be with her?

Dr. Cohen: I can't get married tomorrow.
Annie: You should go home.
Dr. Cohen: I don't want to.
Annie: Then go somewhere else.

Phoebe: Really?
Dave: What the hell is going on?
Beth: Just trying to make a living.
Phoebe: Armed robbery is five to ten.
Annie: For squirt guns?
Ruby: Doesn't matter, actually.
Annie: It does when you pull the trigger.

Good Girls Season 4 Quotes

Annie: Don't tell me, this is the part where you want me to realize out loud that I'm some kind of narcissist and I've been ignoring my son?
Dr. Cohen: The out loud part is optional.

Teacher: I'm afraid there's something deeper at play.
Ruby: What do you mean?
Teacher: Have you ever heard of ADHD?
Stan: Okay, hold on a minute.
Ruby: Fart putty is a disorder now?
Stan: Yeah, I mean, stuff's addictive.