I know you have always been selfish and you have forsaken God and this family, but this is your sister.

Ms. Perez

Sometimes what seems like a sacrifice is just a choice.


Isabella: Why aren't they together?
Gael: I guess they just can't get on the same page at the same time.

Mariana: So listen, about the other night, I had fun, and it was great. But, um, I'm not looking to actually get involved with someone I kind of live with, Coterie relationships can get kind of messy, you know?
Joaquin: No, I don't know. I thought what happened between us really meant something.
Mariana: Um...
Joaquin: I'm just kidding. We're on the same page.

Gael: It feels good to paint something I can put my own name on.
Isabella: What do you mean?
Gael: I've been painting for Yuri, his concerts, sort of. A lot of mine too.

Isabella: I feel guilty that Gael is making all the real sacrifices, and I'm only working part time. And I'm scared that he's going to resent me.
Therapist: And?
Isabella: And leave me. Not the baby, he would never leave his child.

Sometimes I wish I had never taken this job with Yuri in the first place.


Isabella: Gael, I'm so sorry, I was just trying to help.
Gael: Well, you didn't help. You stepped way over the line, Isabella. How the hell am I supposed to support us now, Isabella?

Adam's my brother, if your sister's with him. She's in danger.


Nicki: Congrats! Getting a roof over your head is a big deal.
Luca: As long as it lasts.
Nicki: What do you mean?
Luca: You know how people are. They try to help you, but when they see how much you actually need, they realize maybe they took on more than they want to deal with, ask you to leave.

Malika: What is this?
Alice: Your new home, if you want it.
Malika: What did you do?
Alice: I Just had them put up some dry wall and make a new loft. Mine was too big anyway.
Malika: Thank you.

Malika:I was unhoused for a while. I was living in my car. I used to park near the Coterie and Alice got to know me and started bringing me coffee in the mornings, and then she let me use the showers. Ultimately, she split her loft to give me a home. It was hard for me to accept help, but once I had a home, and I didn't have to spend my days just figuring out how to survive, I was able to get a job. I went back to school, I got my degree. I was just so damn lucky that Alice befriended me, saw me even.
Luca: That's not the story for most people out here.
Malika: No, it's not. Because I said yes to being helped, I mean, I'm thriving today. That can be your story too. You have a home at the Coterie. If you just say yes.

Good Trouble Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Wilson: Can I ask a favor?
Callie: Of course.
Wilson: I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell the others about my son -- that he's not studying abroad.
Callie: Actually, that night, I did mention that I had seen him. That's all I told them.