Davia: Why are you being so nice to me?
Dennis: You said we were better off as friends. So I'm being your friend. Why did you think you couldn't talk to me? Because you still think you're the one who has to take care of me?

That's the thing about being invisible. No one cares when they erase you.


Dana: Let me give you some advice. The three most important words in politics are Quid pro quo. Find out what Will wants, get it for him, and then collect by getting what you want.
Malika: Thanks for the advice.
Dana: Another word of advice. There is no free advice. I'm a powerful ally, I'll be of help to you as long as you're of help to me.

You've changed things for me more than any other teacher I ever had.


Callie: I guess this universe has conspired again.
Jamie: Is this seat taken?

Callie: Um, what are you doing here?
Jamie: I got a job in DC, I start in a week, what are you doing here?
Callie: Same, I start tomorrow.

Geography doesn't make a family. Love does.


Mariana: How do you feel about going?
Callie: Scared. I've never really been on my own since Jude and I came out of foster care. I just feel like I need to find myself and my purpose. I just wish it didn't mean I'd be away from you. What if I screw it up? What if fail? What if I come crawling back here with my tail between my legs?

Callie: So are you okay with me leaving?
Jude: Yeah. I told you. Now I have two reasons to visit the East Coast.
Callie: You can visit me anytime. I love you.
Jude: I love you, too.

Lena: So how are you really feeling, Ms. Thang.
Mariana: I feel fine. Has everyone forgotten I was the one who went away to college?

Callie: We've had quite the journey together.
Gael: Yeah, this isn't the end. Callie, you're someone I want in my life forever.
Callie: Ditto.

I really admire your commitment to making change and just your courage to want to do it and selfishly, I wish you weren't leaving, and I'm going to miss you. Thank you or ...


Good Trouble Quotes

I thought the free toilet paper would be a nice perk. I had no idea how much people would overwipe. You wouldn't believe it. I hope you guys are eco-friendly.


Mariana: We're so lit.
Callie: We're pretty lit.
Both: We're straight up fire!