The beauty of life can spring forth in the harshest of climates.

Hugo Strange

Where's the king of snotty England?


Selina: Doing won't ever, ever be the same.
Bruce: That's what I'm counting on.

A winter stakeout at the looney bin. Fabulous.


If we can cure a man like Oswald Cobblepot, we can sure anyone.

Ms. Peabody

Do you think I'm abnormal?


Jim: This is the rational way to go.
Lee: Sometimes the rational way is not the best way.

That's why you're here, after all, to be cured of your sickness. You are sick, aren't you?

Professor Strange

What are you? A bunch of cheerleaders?


My mother died in my arms because of Theo Galavan. The only thing I regret is that I couldn't kill him more than once.


I am not a man to be trifled with. I am powerful. I am vicious. I am the King of Gotham.


I'm not a criminal, you know. I'm just...insane.


Gotham Season 2 Quotes

From the first day on the job, you've been an insubordinate troublemaker.

Commissioner Loeb

The master will unleash hell upon you. Dark days are coming.
