Carolina: Oh my god, you poor thing. What happened to your hand?
Danny: Oh it's fine, I uh, took a spill when I was jogging this morning.
Yoli: Well she's not a doctor, but let her know if you need someone to kiss it and make it better.

Santiago: It's my hotel. My neck on the line. You don't know what it's like to make these hard decisions.
Gigi: 'Cause you don't let me. Beatriz and Alicia, those opinions you value, but you don't care what I think. How many more years, Santiago, before you see me as more than your trophy wife?

Yolanda: Mommy, please tell my hoe bag sister that I don't care what she thinks.
Gigi: I am getting a little tired of this. Her fiance just left her, be nice.
Yolanda: Her fiance left her because she's a nasty slut who banged El Rey the night before her wedding.

Ingrid: You called me Mamacita over and over all night long.
Javi: We totally had sex.

Alicia: Of course, this would happen on my first day.
Danny: Right, new manager gig.
Alicia: Hence, the dorky blazer.
Danny: I don't know, you look pretty good to me. I mean that's what I would say if we weren't keeping this strictly professional.
Alicia: Right, well, you know, just trying to look the part.
Danny: Yeah, definitely. Yeah with your name tag, your clipboard, your keycard.
Alicia: Oh, this one? Yeah, highest security clearance. I'm basically secret service for this thing.
Danny: Wow 'cause mine won't even let me into the gym.
Alicia: As if you need to spend more time at the gym, is what I would say if I were being less professional.

Danny: It's me. Yeah. I told you I can't talk when I'm here. They set up a memorial: pictures, flowers. Almost like they gave a rat's ass about her, but I know the truth. No matter what they say, she didn't just disappear. One of these people did something to my sister, and I'm gonna find them, and when I do, whoever it was is gonna pay.

Mateo: Alicia, is she um, is she home for good? She's all grown up now. She's such a beauty.
Santiago: Don't talk about my daughter.
Mateo: All I said was that she was beautiful, and really smart too. She asked me a lot of questions about that missing girl.
Santiago: She doesn't know anything, so leave her out of this.

Santiago: I know that selling the hotel is painful. I know you're loyal to the staff, your people.
Helen: I thought they were our people.
Santiago: Helen, we're dedicating a portion of the sale to you for your many years of service. I hope that makes you better about things.
Helen: Does that make you feel better?

Danny: This place is no joke. I thought it was incredible during the day, but at night, I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful.
Alicia: I'm glad you like it.

Matteo: So uh, first, thanks to Carolina for marrying me. You're hilarious, unbelievably beautiful, I mean my friends can't believe how hot you are. I also want to thank Gigi and Santiago. It's not always easy mixing family and business but uh you have made this deal a total breeze.
Carolina: Deal?
Santiago: Thank you, Byron.
Byron: Wong food development has been exploring the market for a long time, and we're just delighted to be purchasing this wonderful property. Cheers.
Alicia: Dad, you sold the hotel?

Ingrid: I'm, I'm pregnant.
Jason: I didn't realize that, that you were seeing somebody.
Ingrid: It's complicated. When I tell him about this.
Jason: Maybe he'll step up. Maybe realize what a good thing he has.
Ingrid: He wouldn't want to be with a pregnant housekeeper
Jason: A lot of people would. I would. If it was me, I mean.
Ingrid: Well, now you're just trying to make me feel better. But thanks, you're a good friend.

Grand Hotel Quotes

Matteo: So uh, first, thanks to Carolina for marrying me. You're hilarious, unbelievably beautiful, I mean my friends can't believe how hot you are. I also want to thank Gigi and Santiago. It's not always easy mixing family and business but uh you have made this deal a total breeze.
Carolina: Deal?
Santiago: Thank you, Byron.
Byron: Wong food development has been exploring the market for a long time, and we're just delighted to be purchasing this wonderful property. Cheers.
Alicia: Dad, you sold the hotel?

Ingrid: I'm, I'm pregnant.
Jason: I didn't realize that, that you were seeing somebody.
Ingrid: It's complicated. When I tell him about this.
Jason: Maybe he'll step up. Maybe realize what a good thing he has.
Ingrid: He wouldn't want to be with a pregnant housekeeper
Jason: A lot of people would. I would. If it was me, I mean.
Ingrid: Well, now you're just trying to make me feel better. But thanks, you're a good friend.