Anybody know if he's a donor?


Alex: Woah, woah... she wants it out. Can't we take it out?
Cristina: She's breathing over the vent.
Richard: Alright, let's pull out the tube.
Meredith: (appears) Dr. Bailey...

Derek: His ICP went through the roof. We did everything...everything.
Owen: Chief, his organs are viable for now. It won't be long before he's acidotic and hypothermic. Is he a donor?
Richard: Um, ah... I don't know. I called his mother. She on her way. Let's close him up and get him to the ICU in case she wants to see him.

Lexie: Who said that was George? Why do we think that's George?
Callie: Meredith said... I don't know.
Lexie: That's not George. Look... look at his feet. Look how tall he is. That's not George.

You people answer your pages! George O'Malley jumped in front of a bus today. He knew what he was doing and he did it anyway. And he did it to save a life. So, I'm not gonna allow you doctors to stand here. There are lives on the line. There are lives we can save. So, if George O'Malley can jump in front of a bus, we can answer our damn pages. So, lets go.(everyone leaves) Damn it. Damn it O'Malley.


Izzie: (on phone) George, it's me. You know, I pretty much died not too long ago so I need you to call me back. Please. I know, I played the cancer card. I'm gross. Whatever.
Alex: I need to tell you something, and I need you to not panic. I need you to keep breathing. I need you to stay alive. I swear to god, I need you to stay alive. Alright?
Izzie: Ok.
Alex: O'Malley, he got in an accident. He's brain-dead.
Izzie: I'm sorry, what?

Derek: Hey.
Meredith: Hey.
Derek: Need to go home?
Meredith: No.
Derek: Did you eat?
Meredith: No.
Derek: Can you eat?
Meredith: No.
Derek: You should cry.
Meredith: No.
Derek: Maybe if you cry you'll feel better.
Meredith: I... you just... just you being here is... and don't say anything. Just be here. That... that helps. How are you?
Alex: Meredith, we need you.
Meredith: Ok, excuse me.

Richard: Did Torres decide about O'Malley? About his organs?
Derek: I don't know.
Richard: I'm gonna see where they are.
Derek: Look Chief I... I know this is the worst possible moment but, we need to talk. The board is planning a coup. They're saying that you've dropped the ball. That our ranking isn't coming up. They wanna oust you. They're asking me to support it. They're asking me to step up to take the job.
Richard: Take my job?
Derek: I told them I'd think about it. I bought you some time, but you need a plan.
Richard: Torres has made a decision.

Izzie: He needs a spinal tap. His falling could have burst an anyerism and some bleeds show up on a spinal tap that don't on the CT.
Charles: And some doctors enjoy torturing patients because they messed up and don't know what they're gonna do with the rest of their lives.
Izzie: You are the one that got me fired. You owe me this, you little bitch. Unless of course you want me to find that snotty Reed, what's her name? Tell her how much you love her. Cause I will.

I'm a surgeon and I'm looking at a time bomb in a uterus. Shut it down now, Addison!


Get me Addison Montgomery!


Addison: Let me say it once: Grandpa... Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa!
Mark: Okay. That was four times. Get it out of your system?

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
