I'm good at reading people, and I saw your face when you looked at my scan. How bad is it?


Jackson: Now, I can't imagine what a room would even feel like without her in it taking up all that space. You know it was different, losing Samuel. That was more like my world collapsing around me, you know? And this is. I feel like a scared little kid.
Maggie: Like nothing is safe. Like the world is upside down and nothing makes sense anymore.
Jackson: Yeah.
Maggie: Yeah.
Jackson: I don't like.[cries] I don't like it.

Shut down the gallery.


Her name is Brittany, and she's never been much of a mother I think we both know that!


I have three kids, and I'm not getting on the back of a motorcycle, so I'm driving.


Seniors rocking with the poly. Like it!


Excellent sharing, Maggie Pierce. Please try not to kill her, and if you do, make sure it isn't on purpose.


So what do you say, Magpie? You wanna save my life?


I am not leaving him here with another drug addict!

Mr. Dickinson

Owen: You told them you were a drug addict? Why would you do that?
Amelia: I was trying to help.
Owen: Trying to help who?

Tom: My money's on throuple.
Teddy: Throuple?
Tom: Oh god, there's so much I have to teach you.

He's a good guy, but if he's ever not a good guy, I got your back.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
