Meredith: I mean, maybe this is what grief looks like when you've lived a whole healthy life. You know, before anything terrible happens.
Amelia: Like watching your father get murdered when you were five?
Meredith: Or like watching your mother bleed out on the kitchen floor.
Amelia: We're more alike than we realized.

Nathan: Well, it was nice almost working with you.
Arizona: Yeah, next time.

Meredith: When did you become a grumpy old man who doesn't like people?
Alex: I love people. Just not Riggs.

We all steal surgeries.


Maggie: As your family, Dr. Hunt is looking out for you, but you should know his concerns have nothing to do with my surgical skills, do they?
Owen: Of course not.
Maggie: He's worried about me because my mom died recently. And he's worried that I won't be able to work through my personal pain to get the job done, but I can. Or I wouldn't be here.

Miranda: I'm excited to see where this goes. And I'm excited to see you and Minnick working together. That the trouble's behind us.
Richard: Sure. For the most part.
Miranda: The most part, what's the other part?
Richard: Uh, you have yet to say it.
Miranda:What have I yet to say?
Richard: That you were wrong.
Miranda: That I was what?
Richard: Enjoy your day.

Arizona: So you're seeing someone, too?
Nathan: Yeah, mmhmm. Well, maybe. I mean, we're trying. I am, anyway. She...We'll see if it goes anywhere.
Arizona: Well, I hope so. Keep me posted.
Nathan: Wait, I'm keeping you posted?
Arizona: Yeah, this is happening. We're now friends. You know what? You don't need to keep me posted. I'll ask you.

Meredith: We work through stuff. I have operated through a miscarriage.
Jackson: That's not normal.

Now is the time where you two are supposed to tell me how awesome I am. Like I do for you all the time.


Andrew: Cross would like me to remind you that he's allergic to iodine dye.
Stephanie: I would like to remind you that I'm allergic to Cross.

Cross: I'd like an M.R.I. next.
Stephanie: Do you have any idea how expensive that scan is?
Cross: I have Obamacare. I have a year left and I need--[intercom cuts off]

Jackson: You watching to see if Pierce melts down?
Meredith: No, I'm just interested. It's a very rare surgery. A tumor inside a fetus?
Jackson: Inside a womb, inside a woman, yeah. It's like a nesting doll.
Meredith: It's like a nesting doll. Fascinating. Why are you here?
Jackson: Uh, yeah. Same.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
