Is this about my sister, Megan?


Richard: Aren't you supposed to be in counseling?
Stephanie: I went. I went three times. I barfed up all my childhood sadness. I told him all my demons. I participate, I feel like I got enough out of it.
Richard: Edwards...

Mer: So you're there and Jo's husband is there
Alex: Yeah, I'm looking right at him.
Mer: Alex, what are you doing?
Alex: I don't know. I don't know if I'm going to do anything.
Mer: Come home.
Alex: I can't yet, I got to go.

Bailey: So these two were not driving, they were parking.
Andrew: The theory is that they got overexcited and popped the car into gear.
Stephanie: Premature acceleration, you know, it happens to a lot of guys.
Bailey: People need to get busy where God intended. Parking lots. Where it's flat.

Maggie: I hope the sex was good.
April: Is sex in a car ever that good? All those windows.

I need you to explain why you're here, Edwards.


Alex: Paul.
Paul: Alex?
Alex: This is for my wife. [punches Paul]

Mer: So do you want to uh, come over for dinner tonight?
Riggs: What about the kids?
Mer: With the kids. You seem to like kids. They seem to like you.
Riggs: Yeah, yeah sure. Maybe I can bring something so you won't have to cook.
Mer: That's okay. I'll make something they like. After they go to bed you can stay. Not all night..just, for a while.
Riggs: That sounds good. It sounds good.

Amelia: Oh so this is fun, Owen is giving me the silent treatment.
Mer: No, not you, me. I need your help. I invited him over, tonight.
Amelia: Nathan.
Mer: To meet the kids. Now I feel nervous, nauseous. I feel really sick.

Amelia: Derek is dead. Maggie is fine. There is nothing in your way but you. Let yourself have this.
Mer: Look at you being the sane one.
Amelia: Moments. I have moments.

Owen: Two soldiers came to the house today. They said they found her. They said they found Megan.
Amelia: Owen, I'm so sorry. At least you know. Maybe you can find some peace.
Owen: They said that she's alive.

Owen: I don't even know if it's her. What if it's not? They could have got it wrong. This might not be true. This might not be true.
Amelia: Well, let's find out. Let's find out for sure.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
