I'm in love with you, Jo. I am so completely in love with you. How do you not see that?


Nick: I want to live a whole life of pain, and mess, and love, and you.
Mer: Well, okay then.
Nick: Well, okay then.

Mer: I miss you.
Nick: Listen, I met Michael.
Mer: He's wonderful. So great with the kids.
Nick: What do you want from me?
Mer: Michael is Zola's tutor.

Link: I have changed my entire life to revolve around you, us.
Jo: I never asked you to!

Jo: What is going on with you?
Link: Just wondering what you want, that's all?
Jo: I think you should move out. I've been thinking about it for a while. I think it's confusing for the kids.

Stop trying to let me off the hook, Lucas. I hurt people.


Did you really come all this way just to follow all the rules, because that would piss me off even more.


I told you I love you, you pretended not to hear me, it doesn't matter anymore.


Maggie: A Million dollars.
Winston: I'd build a time machine and go back in time, tell my mother I got nominated for a Catherine Fox Award.

Mer: It's all wrong?
Webber: What?
Mer: Everything. We have to question everything we know about Alzheimer's if we're going to cure it.

Yasuka, in any color scrubs, I outrank you.


Simone: I didn't get married.
Lucas: You didn't get married.
Toby: You two should go, yeah, yeah. I'll be fine.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
