I've never met a real life psychopath before.


Donna: Why do you have a skull for a head?
Bodie: Because I can.

The real security is trusting no one.


This all began with a very talented young programmer named Cameron Howe. She saw the future and she got there first. I didn't build this, I don't own it, and neither does anyone here. If we skate past that, we're doing violence to the one thing, maybe the only sacred thing in our business, innovation. Cameron couldn't be here today, but her genius is all around us and will be, I suspect, for years to come.


Cameron: I must be totally mental, because part of me doesn't want you to go away at all.
Joe: You have no idea.

You used me. You made me believe in what we were doing here. You know, you're a lot more like [Joe] than you think.


You're the boss bitch around here. Queen of the Nile. Sitting on a gold mine. People would be lucky you don't charge admission, you got me?


We're not friends, we're family. We'll see each other at Christmas, every other year. We'll nod to each other across the room, and after about 45 minutes of fake chit-chat and egg nog, I'll make an excuse, "We have to be somewhere. I'm so sorry." And when my children ask me who that tall gray stranger in the window is, I'll remind them, that's your grandpa.


I promise you. I wouldn’t do this.


You make the world what you want it to be. It'll happen in California, too.


The hardest thing in life is to get knocked down and to get back up constantly, but we do it because we love it and we know that deep down, if it's the right idea, it could be bigger than all of us.


Let's leave the past where it is and build something truly special together. No. Scratch that. You build it. I'll get out of the way this time.
