So he was shot, burned, and hit by a car? Wow, this guy's having a great day.


I'm Five O, they don't have the password I do.


Toast: I can't do this [takes off running]
Danny: Ok, plan B.
Toast: [runs past Danny] This is why you have a Plan B!

Toast: I can't do this
Steve: Toast! Live long and perspire.

Looks like our kidnap case just became a murder case.

Chin Ho

Steve: Stand down mom, it's work
Doris: Did you just tell me to stand down?
Steve: Affirmative.

Steve: It's a proximity sensor; you have to stay perfectly still.
Danny: What if I can't stay perfectly still?
Steve: This bomb is going to detonate and you and me, both are going to die.

Danny: Where did you get them money?
Nicky: Your mom gave it to me last night.

Danny: Borrowed Time [sigh]
Steve: What's that?
Danny: I have to remember that all of this, the last 10 years with my daughter is all borrowed time.

Because of one day, my daughter will never know what it's like to board a plan without being groped or harassed for 45 minutes.


Danny: So the question is, did he work alone or with someone?
Steve: No, terrorist don't work alone, they work in cells. That way if one guy goes down, his buddy comes in and finishes the job.
Danny: You just said the T word.
Steve: Does this look like the end of something to you? Because to me this is just the beginning.

Max: If your excuse me, I'm short one right arm
Chin Ho: Right behind ya.
Max: Oh, [spots arm] Mahalo

Hawaii Five-0 Season 3 Quotes

Danny: Going to need a vest, vest please.
Steve: You don't even know what my plan is.
Danny: This is true, but I know you, and any plan you have will involve me and serious bodily harm.
Steve: What are you talking about?
Danny: What I'm talking about, is that over the years our marriage has become predictable.

Steve: Catherine, I want you to help me find my mom.
Catherine: I thought you told Witness Protection you wanted kept secret even from you.
Steve: Yeah, that was before I found out she had a chance to kill Wo Fat and let him get away.