Regardless of whatever mistakes she made, she was the one person who supported me when I needed it the most. When she needed me, I couldn't save her.

Noelani [to McGarrett]

One day, you will accept who you are, as others do. And on that day, this drink will be waiting for you.

Masuda [to Adam]

Look at me. You can get free of it. I did.

Adam [to Tamiko]

Does it matter who gave the order?

Tamiko [to Adam]

Grover: That guy's not going to talk to us.
Adam: Well, he might talk to me.

I was just wondering how you possibly could share DNA with this man?

Tani [to Junior]

I figured it out. I'm a cat and you're a dog.

Danny [to McGarrett]

Ricky: None of them are a good match.
Danny: This isn't Tinder, Ricky. It's a free cat.

Danny: You went to all the trouble of finding out who was sleeping with your wife and you had a girlfriend.
Manoa: Well, nobody's perfect.

Shame about the rug. It would have tied up the room nicely.


Adam: Allergies.
Danny: Convenient.

I'm excited about what is in store for me.

Adam [to Grover]