Patient: Are you this rude to all your patients?
House: Yes. Don't think you're special.

There is no "us." There never will be.


I'm gonna pretend there's something interesting over here, so you'll shut up.


(to House) Oh, I looked into that philosopher you quoted. Jagger. And you're right. You can't always get what you want, but as it turns out, if you try sometimes, you get what you need.

Dr. Cuddy

Wilson: Are you out of your mind?
House: As a former psychiatric patient, I take exception to that terminology.

You have decades of experience dating and be attracted to losers.

House [to Cuddy]

Cuddy: This is the part where you play the employee and I play the boss.
House: I can see your nipples. Your turn.

Dr. Wilson: If there's one thing I've learned from you, it's that I should do what I think is right and not worry about the consequences.
House: Yeah, it's worked out great for me.

Cameron: You hate coincidence.
House: We reconciled. It was a whole thing.

Even when you try to do something nice, you sound like a jerk.

Thirteen [to Foreman]

Driver: What, you think I'm gonna rob the place?
Thirteen: No, of course not.
Driver: In case you haven't noticed, I have a job.
Thirteen: You're either honest or dishonest. I figured the safer choice is...
Driver: To treat a total stranger like an ass. Nice way to live your life. Bitch.

I'm not deflecting because I'm avoiding something deep. I'm deflecting because I'm avoiding something shallow.

House Quotes

Dr. Cameron: House doesn't believe in pretense. Figures life's too short and too painful. So he just says that he thinks.
Dr. Foreman: "I say what I think" is just another way of saying "I'm an assho"...

(about House) The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.

Dr. Cuddy