Someone order something tall dark and awesome.

James Stinson

You guys are adorable. You honestly believe that I, Barney Stinson, can't talk you into this? I got the queen to give me a fist bump.


The comfort of home is pretty much ruined when someone turns your-old room into what I'm pretty sure is a tantric sex temple. All the bamboo, pot smoke and 60's music, it's like my old G.I. Joes are frozen in some weird Vietnam flashback.


Guys, I know you count the minutes until you can escape from your hum drum lives by hearing how awesome mine is.


So this chick and I are going at it behind the Central Park Zoo, the bonobo chimps are giving us a standing O and just when I'm about to give her the same thing - what up?


Nothing in this life quite compares to the sweet exhilaration of making your move. When you just put it all on the line and go for it.

Ted voiceover

Lily: I could totally let you down. Has that thought not occurred to you?
Marshall: Not even for one second. Not having a baby would suck, but the idea of you letting me down, that's impossible. That would be like aliens landing. That's a bad example.

Barney: Dude you are so in, a high five doesn't cut it. High Six!
Ted: She didn't see us High Six did she?
Robin: No.
Barney: Good. That was pretty lame.
Ted: Yeah, let's never do that again.

You saucy little minx, you sun dressed up.


Barney: If I had my dad's number, I'd never not be on the phone with him.
Lily: Wow, that was really...
Barney: Whoa a hottie with a body! Boing!
Lily: Brief.

Lily: Why don't you have a baby with your dad?
Marshall: OK Lilly, why don't you have a baby with your butt?
Lily: What?
Marshall: I can't think straight! Why did you have to wear that shirt?

So he gets no notice, he just walks into his boss's office and says to his boss, "I just had a grandson and I'm going to be out for three months."


How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Quotes

Ted (sipping a beer): This is what church has been missing. Dude, you fixed Church!
Marshall: You're welcome, God.

Marshall: Beer be with you...
Ted: And also with you.