Robin, no one watches the news unless it's a car chase or a nip slip.


Tonight's gonna be Leden-Jerry!


Barney: You want to make God laugh, tell him your plans right?
Robin: What is wrong with you?

Random Girl: How can you not remember my rhymes with your name?
Barney: And I said my name was?

The point is you can't trust graduation goggles. They are just as misleading as beer goggles, bridesmaid goggles and that's just a bulky outdated cell phone in his front pocket goggles.


Marshall you can't pay your mortgage with hacky sacks and good vibes.


Marshall and I have been together for fifteen years and the only debate about Tommy Boy we've ever had, is whether it's awesome or super awesome. That's love bitch!


Ted: Why would you do that?
Zoey: I thought you'd like it?
Ted: Who likes that?
Zoey: I like it!

No you were right. A kid needs a hoop.


J.J.: I got a paper route.
Barney: Bah! Good time to get into print media right Dad?

No Barney, I'm never going to talk to my dad again.


So then all the county judges started shouting "More Quiche, More Quiche!!!"


How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Quotes

Ted (sipping a beer): This is what church has been missing. Dude, you fixed Church!
Marshall: You're welcome, God.

Marshall: Beer be with you...
Ted: And also with you.