What are you gonna do at home? Live vicariously through a real housewife of who gives a fuck?


Ben: You're married?
Nancy: Yes of course.

You never knew anybody who got brought in for questioning?


Those aren't even real dreads. They ain't rasta they imposta.


I used to look at it like it was mocking me. Tonight I feel like I got a shot.


Ben: Hey you want me to hold on to this for you?
Kappo: No I don't! That's my bubby's.

Robin: I do need you to go see Karen Bender in legal.
Rachel: Uh,OK.
Robin: She's going to tell you that you're fired...cute shoes.

What are you fucking Matlock now?


Ben: It's not about the money.
Nancy: Yeah well it should be.

Oh my god, do you know about the mole people that live beneath the city? It's like straight Narnia down there man.


Delivery! Somebody order a beatdown?


Is that my former heir apparent who threw it all away to to go bang DJ's in Ibiza?
