Sometimes I feel like God doesn't want me to win legitimately.


Here I am trying to go legit and you go Scarface on me.


Rachel: I gotta be at work in thirty minutes.
Domingo: You see that's why I'm self employed. I'm already at the office.

Domingo: What time do you guys need me to get my Zoolander on?
Ben: Ten?
Domingo: A.M.?

You're a good woman and you give a hell of a wake up call.


Kiersten: Those neanderthals are F the F up!
Kristen: So dirty, but you know what? I kind of love it!

One night in New York is like a month in St. Louis time.


Rasta Monsta is for the children.


He runs on weed dealer time.


I'm gonna Coppola the shit out of this place. I'm gonna put all these hipsters to work for me making wine.


You know you keep talkin' that shit, I'm gonna smack a dress out of you.


Kappo: It's my pleasure Kiersten.
Kristen: I'm Kristen.
Kappo: Yeah!
Kristen: You said Kiersten.
Kappo: Fuckin' love you girl!