Alba: So what makes Jane a good mother?
Xo: Lists.
Rafael: So many lists.
Rogelio: Like a lot of lists.
Michael: What? There's a lot to organize.
Xo: But really, it's how much she loves.
Alba: Love.
Rogelio: Love.
Michael; I know it sounds cheesy, but love.
Rogelio: And superb genes.

How huge was it exactly? The most huge or second hugest?


Michael: This feel a little weird to you?
Rafael: Wait until Father's Day.

Dina is seeing me only as a sex object, and I have to prove to her that I'm more than just oceans of charisma. I refuse to be objectified.


Jane: Ricardo has a twin brother?
Narrator: Don't act so surprised Jane. It's a well-worn trope of a genre.
Xo: I did not see that coming.
Narrator: But it still works every time.

Awe, isn't this nice? Things are so good. Alas, knowing telenovela structures as I do, I'm a little worried.


We have a complicated history which mostly involves me being horrible and Jane being a perfect human being, and sometimes it just gets to be too much.


Rafael: I really think as long as we both prioritize Mateo then we'll be fine.
Jane: I totally agree.

Dina's a writer. She wears hoodies and jeans. She's not nearly glamorous, charismatic, or TMZ-able enough for me to be with.


Jane: Who knew there was this crazy business helping people with their college essays? Are you kidding me? That's like a fun Saturday.
Narrator: Only for you Jane. Only for you.

Now I can accept that I'm just not one of those maternal moms, and I'm fine with that. They're cute in small doses.


Narrator: And friends, that's when Mateo said his first word.
Mateo: Dada.
Narrator: Unfortunately, he said it to the wrong man.

Jane the Virgin Quotes

Jane: Oh, I'm no good at this stuff. So, instead of telling you the reasons that I love you, I'm going to tell you the reasons that I don't. I don't love you because you're smart and kind. I don't love you because you're hardworking and competitive and way too defensive.
Michael: I'm not defensive.
Jane: I don't love you because you're incredibly sexy. I love you because you're my best friend and I want to grow old with you. And right now, I am confused about every single thing in my life, except you.

Rafael: No, I really think we've met.
Jane: I don't usually wear clam shells.
Rafael: Oh, the strip club on Piscayne?
Jane: Jerk.