When I say I'm ready to go wild, I'm gonna go wild.


Mike can be a nice guy. Like, he shows his good side then he shows his jerk off side. But that's what I like ... a good guy and a jerk off, it's all in the same.


I had a feeling where I wanted to make out with somebody, so, umm, I just made out with Ryder, because all the guys like that.


Pickles is my thing.


My ideal man would be Italian, dark, muscled ... juice-head guido.


Snooki's staying and I'm ready to party. I'm ready to meet sexy guidos and I'm ready just to f*%king be single.


I am a princess at home, like, I am the f*%king princess of f*%king Poughkeepsie. Here, I am nobody. I'm, like, emotionally exhausted.


When I woke up I was like what did I do last night? Like what did I do? I f*%ked up ... story of my life.


My ultimate dream is to move to Jersey, find a nice, juiced, hot tanned guy and live my life.


[on sleeping with Sammi] Yeah, we smooshed.


I'm gonna f*%king get at her so bad right now. I'm gonna eat her alive. Bro, seriously? You wanna play this game?


[to Mike] We hold hands in front of you, we cuddle in front of you, we make out in front of you, like what else do we need, do I need to beat it front of you, too?
