Amy: Who are those people?
Reese: Maybe it's flower therapy?
Amy: That's not a thing.

Kevin: I can be your haunted truck, Amy.
Amy: God you are so weird.

Yvette: Right now you're learning how to experience life's everyday miracles. How to listen to the universe.
Kevin: Are you stoned?
Yvette: It's simple. The universe will guide you to those who are in need of your help. That will build your spiritual power. And eventually your spirit will be strong enough to find the other righteous. You got it?

Look, you're trying. And I applaud you for that. But handing out flyers is, how should I put this? So stupid it makes me sad.

Yvette [to Kevin]

Listen, it's not a bad life. It's just not the one I wanted.


Wow humans are weird about sex.


Reese: Why are you even here?
Kevin: Your mom insisted.
Reese: Because you tried to kill yourself.
Kevin: Yup. Didn't take.

I think everything is beautiful and I don't like it.

Like I said, I'm here to protect you. And that's what I'm gonna do. So get your head out of your ass. We got work to do.

Yvette [to Kevin]

Yvette: In every generation, since the dawn of man, there are thirty-six righteous souls in the world. And they protect humanity by merely existing. Now there's only one.
Kevin: Oh okay.
Yvette: You, Kevin. You are the last of the righteous.

Do not be afraid. You have been chosen. Kevin?


Kevin (Probably) Saves the World Quotes

Reese: Why are you even here?
Kevin: Your mom insisted.
Reese: Because you tried to kill yourself.
Kevin: Yup. Didn't take.

Do not be afraid. You have been chosen. Kevin?
