Villanelle: She shot you?
Eve and Konstantin: Yes.
Eve: Barely. Just in the hand.
Konstantin: That is an extremely painful place!

Eve: Where are you going?
Villanelle: I'm done with you.

Konstantin: So Helene? You want to kill her?
Villanelle: Yes. Helene first, and then the rest of them. You know, I tried killing other people’s assholes, but charity begins at home.

People like us aren’t made for happy lives with happy endings. We never were.


Eve: I went to Helene’s. She let Villanelle out of prison.
Yusuf: So you thought, “child abduction.”

Helene: You know, when I first learned you were after me, I thought you were a bit…what’s the word…pathetic? I thought, there is someone who spends her life peering at more exotic specimens. Like a bird watcher desperate to fly. First Villanelle, then me.
Eve: You think too highly of yourself.

Carolyn: Isn’t it refreshing? To eat in silence? So many people are just bags of gas, expelling air when they have nothing of great worth to say.
Villanelle: Just farting from their mouths.

Helene: Do you know what passion is? People think it’s sex, excitement, but the actual definition of passion is to suffer. That’s what it is about Villanelle, isn’t it?
Eve: You love this, don’t you? It delights you.
Helene: I think it delights you. This is what you want.

Your brain is like a hamster on a wheel. It must be exhausting.


A wrench? Oh, come on. You’re more inventive than that.


Eve: Do you know that fable about the scorpion and the frog?
Villanelle: They hook up?
Eve: No. They both die, because the scorpion can’t change its nature.
Villanelle: Maybe you’re the scorpion.

Villanelle: I killed two people last night after I tried really hard not to.
Martin: Okay, that’s not ideal, but presumably common for you.

Killing Eve Quotes

Does anyone in the department speak heroin Polish? No, I'm serious.


OK. Thanks for giving us your Saturday. It turns out people are still murderous bastards on a Sunday.
