Dutch: We finally have a Level Six right where we want them.
Johnny: In the bag. No? Too much?

D'avin: I let Sabine go. I know you're not gonna agree...
Dutch: Stop. I can't hear you over the knife in my back.
D'avin: Dutch.
D'avin: She's Black Root. She's not some Level Six guardian angel with boobs, or whatever the hells you thought she was.. Khlyen didn't send her to watch us. She was using us to find Khlyen.

Turin: I gotta go dark for a while. Clean house. You and your team are on your own.
Dutch: You're taking Sabine then, right?
Turin: Can't do it. Her people will probably send the Black Root for her here.
Dutch: Khlyen mentioned them. What are they?
Turin: They're like a secret police of the Sixes. Keep their people in line.

Remember not everyone has a happy ending. So be happy when you can.


Enough bullshit Romwell. There are over 300 warrants out for you, but I won't invoke them if you give us the plasma in your collection.


Dutch: Of course you've got the plasma, you're a Level Six!
Romwell: Those troublemakers the RAC sends around the J? Please.

My tutor didn't just teach me that song. He taught me to kill. I killed for years. He let me believe that my wedding would be the end of it. When I was married, I'd be free. That's what I was trading for. Every time I poisoned someone or cut their throat... Freedom. On the day of my wedding he told me this was an instrument of murder. With my husband his target. He stole back my freedom, and no one will ever steal that from me again.


D'avin: Is that Lucy?
Johnny: Ah, sort of a stripped down version. More like an app.
Lucy: I don't have all my logic and database functions, but I seem to have opposable thumbs.
Johnny: It is extremely weird hearing your voice coming out of that bot.

Pawter: So everything's good then?
Johnny: Never better. Why?
Pawter: Because you're lying to D'av and Dutch... and going rogue against the Company.
Johnny: Oh, that.
Pawter: That.
Johnny: Once we bring the wall down they'll understand. It'll all be worth it.

Dutch: Khlyen said the plasma is key. We need to find out what it does to people. What it is. Any idea where we can find some?
D'avin: There is one possibility, but Johnny's not gonna like it.

Lucy: Will you kiss me, John?
Johnny: What? Why?
Lucy: If you die that may be my only chance to gather that sensory input.
Johnny: That's not a good reason.
Lucy: This may be your only chance to kiss a robot.
D'avin: Oh buddy, no.

Johnny: I think that's how the plasma works. It adapts to whatever organism it encounters. It bonds into something new.
D'avin: Is that what they were trying to do to me on Arkyn? Get it to bond?
Johnny: Yeah and when it bonds, it changes.

Killjoys Quotes

Dutch: Got any low level warrants I can knock out fast? Level 2s or 3s?
Bellus: Sure repos, transpos but shouldn't you concentrate on finishing your active warrant?
Dutch: What active warrant?
Bellus: The Level 5 warrant you signed on for twelve hours ago; one Kobee Andras.
Dutch: Bellus, Level 5s are kill work. I don't do those.

Dutch: Six years of working together, he's never wanted some 'me' time... Nah something's up.
Pree: Dutch, you work together, live together, do everything but sleep together and you're worried that he wants a little time apart. Bitch, how charming do you think you are?
Dutch: I know when Johnny's lying, Pree.