Benson: I ran this by McGrath and he's not thrilled, but he's giving us a lot of latitude.
Finn: He probably has a signed copy of Flynn's book.

Amanda: She claims that the doctor she gets her oxy from is extorting her for sex. I don't know whether or not to believe her.
Fin: She's a junkie. She's working you.

Evelyn: But you're still going to prosecute me.
Benson: You didn't just punch him in the face or break his nose, Evelyn. You took a knife -
Evelyn: Yes, I took a knife. I took it for protection.

Benson: He [Sir Tobias] has a big premiere tonight. There's going to be lots of press there.
Fin: Come on, Carisi, are we going to the party or not?
Carisi: I have to run this by Hadid. I have to. But I have no doubt when she hears the tape, she'll do the right thing.

Darius: I was afraid.
Lawyer: How do you think Avery felt?

Tucker says there's no point. His cousin doesn't have a soul to save.

Mike Dodds

Benson: All the eyes on Madison Avenue, they're all predators.
Laurel: Don't you ever feel like prey?
Benson: No. No, I don't.
Laurel: You can wear a badge and you can carry a gun, Lieutenant, but there's going to come a moment of weakness. The big fish eat the little fish and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Fin: Question is, why is she walking around with 5G cash?
Carisi: Could be any number of reasons, but this neighborhood narrows it down.

Seigler: What are you doing talking to my client?
Benson: He is a victim in a crime. He was talking to me about what he was doing in that bar, nothing more.
Seigler: He's done talking. No more questions.
Benson: That's your choice.
Fin: And it's a stupid one.
Seigler: I have a client to defend.
Fin: We have a witness who ID'd him out of a lineup -
Seigler: Who is now in a refugee camp in Turkey.
Benson: That doesn't make his ID invalid.
Seigler: I'm going to talk to my client. Or are you going to arrest him for having been held hostage?

Where SVU sees victims, we see willing participants.


I consider myself a nice guy. But I'm not always going to be nice in here. Sometimes I'm going to be loud, angry, as I cross examine witnesses from the VA and NYPD that failed to do their jobs. Anyone have a problem with that?


These women, nobody cares about them. Their sell-by date has expired. So what do we do? We throw them in hospitals, forget about them. We can't put them out at the side of the curb for Wednesday morning pickup. The least we can do is keep predators away from them.


Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
