Woman: I like you, Deliah, and what you do on your own time is your business. But we can't have that here.
Deliah: What?
Woman: One of the moms showed me the video. All the dads have seen it too.

Bailey: Are you doctors too?
Benson: No, actually, we are police officers.
Bailey: I don't want to go to jail.
Benson: Oh no, honey, we just want to help. Can you tell us what happened?
Bailey: Daddy told me to wait for him but I went with the man anyway.

Lexie: I told you! I made bad choices!
Rollins: Does that include murder?
Lexie: Wow. Way to blame the victim!

Al: I thought you'd take a nice long maternity leave. Or quit your job.
Rollins: Quit my job? But I love my job!
Al: I know, but I want to take care of you.
Rollins: I know you do, Al, but I can't marry you.
Al: Why not?
Rollins: Because I don't love you.

How can it be rape when I paid for it?


Just because I don't remember what happened doesn't mean I wasn't hurt.


I said I didn't want a stupid girl to screw up his deal for the Catalyst!


Carisi: We use our discretion with the rich and the connected all the time -- why not here?
Philip: You didn't answer my question.
Lead Prosecutor: Let him finish.
Carisi: Sometimes justice is about compassion. The question you should be asking yourselves is what kind of office we want to be.

They thought this would be the case to change rape culture, and it did. It set the clock back 30 years.


I love the ocean. You know why? The ocean doesn't give a crap about you or about anybody. It does whatever it wants and you just have to along with it.


Maxwell: You know, my first husband left me enough to take care of myself. Roger doesn't have much money of his own. I give him a monthly allowance. Tell me, did I do something wrong to cause this?
Benson: Roger made his own choices. You are not to blame.
Maxwell: I wish I had your conviction.

Are you talking about Amanda Rollins? I didn't rape Rollins, or her, or any other of them!

Chief Patton

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
