Rollins: Kitty isn't your mom.
Benson: She might as well be. You know, once when I was 15, I heard her on the phone, telling somebody, "How can I love someone who was conceived by a monster?" And that's exactly what Kitty said too.

They're both liars.


I'm getting married today, and if I'm lucky I'll get pregnant tonight.


I'm gay. I came out two years ago. Dr. Hensley helped me become comfortable with that.


I never cheated on Lana. This is going to ruin my life. You have to help me.


Priest: If anyone has just cause that these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Kitty: I do. I have a good reason. Dr. Henesly raped me.

Kitty: I just wanted someone to know.
Benson: Well, now everyone does.

Law & Order: SVU Season 20 Episode 19 Quotes

Priest: If anyone has just cause that these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Kitty: I do. I have a good reason. Dr. Henesly raped me.

Kitty: I just wanted someone to know.
Benson: Well, now everyone does.