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Some guy is getting married. His phone rings and his attendants won't let him answer it.

The bride's friends suggest smoking weed before the wedding.

There is a montage of wedding scenes. The priest asks if there is just cause to object to the wedding and a woman stands up and says the groom raped her. 

The priest called SVU.  The bride is crying. Kitty says Lana will thank her.

Kitty tells the cops Josh was her therapist. She made an appointment with him after her mother died. She didn't know what to expect. When she got there no one was there but the doctor. At first he was nice, he was professional. She gave him her history and started to cry. He sat on the couch next to her and asked to give her a hug and stroked her hair. She was afraid to say no. Then he put his hand up her skirt and didn't listen when she told him to stop.

Josh says he has no idea who this woman is. He says he didn't rape anyone. She ruined the best day of his life.

Kitty told no one. She was ashamed and thought no one would believe her. She called in sick the next day. She lost her job because she missed so much work. She hesitates when Rollins asks if she had any further contact with him. Kitty admits she looked at his Instagram. She wanted to humiliate him.

Josh wants to talk to Lana. Josh tells Rollins that Kitty was never a patient of his. He is happy to go to his office and let them see his records so he can prove he never saw her.

On Monday SVU goes to the office and looks at the appointment book. Kitty's name is not in it. They see another patient's name and go to talk to her. The patient says she skipped her appointment that day. She also says Josh helped her come to terms with being gay and is great. Also, Kitty followed her on Instagram when she commented on Josh's post and harassed her about meeting up to talk about Josh.

Further investigation shows Kitty has a string of run-ins with the law, including a restraining order. They talk to the guy who says Kitty harassed him on social media and when he said he had a girlfriend she tried to tell his girlfriend he was hitting on Kitty.

Benson talks to Kitty about the stalking. Kitty says Beau lied about being single. She apologized in court. Benson asks about Hannah. She says she was just trying to understand why she had been targeted. Benson says there was no appointment. She's trying to understand what happened. Kitty says Benson is helping Josh get away with this. Benson says she wants to believe Kitty so let's start over. She says she needs more details. She says she just remembers lying on a red leather couch.

Josh says he does have a burgundy couch. Lana says his couch is on his social media. She also says that Josh got a bunch of random porn and she got a fake dating profile from someone. Josh says there was also a burglary 2 months ago and someone poured tomato juice on their wedding invitations.

Rollins and Benson confront Kitty. Kitty insists she is telling the truth. Benson says they are trying to figure out what happened. All of a sudden Kitty has to puke and there is a pregnancy test in her trash can. She says she took the test right before Benson and Rollins arrived.

Kitty babbles about how she always wanted to be a mom while a paternity test is taken. Kitty says she wants an abortion. Benson tells her that is up to her. Kitty asks what would she do? Benson says she can't be objective but she thinks Kitty is raw right now and that it's not the baby's fault. She thinks Kitty should talk to someone. Kitty doesn't want to. Benson is upset and goes into a stairwell to cry.

Josh thinks Kitty has a personality disorder. He hopes the DNA test will clear him. 

Rollins goes to see Benson. She says Kitty is not Benson's mom. Benson says when she was 15 she heard her mom ask someone how she could love someone who was conceived by a monster. That was exactly what Kitty said too. Carisi interrupts. The paternity test shows Josh is the father.

Josh insists there is some mistake. Lana yells at him to shut up. Josh is arrested.

Josh insists he didn't rape Kitty. He says they had consensual sex three times. Benson doesn't believe him. He says Kitty was never his patient. They met at a bar around the corner from Kitty's apartment. He met Kitty there. She is claiming she's his patient because she's vindictive. He has a key to her apartment.

Carisi asks Rollins if Benson is okay while they knock on Kitty's door. The key doesn't fit. There is a security camera. Video footage shows them kissing in the hall.

Kitty admits she slept with Josh but she says it's after he raped her. She admits she changed the locks after he dumped her. Kitty says that after he raped her he talked her out of calling the cops and took her to a bar to explain how she had a disorder that made her want to be overpowered. He said it was therapeutic for them to have sex. Kitty says she knows she screwed this up. Meanwhile Josh made bail. Kitty says she's sorry.

For some reason Lana is there and Kitty yells at her.

Lana talks with Benson. She says Josh told her about the affair. Lana says Josh used to be her therapist. They started seeing each other after she wasn't his patient anymore. Josh convinced her to break it off with another guy. She keeps saying Josh makes all the decisions, like, in the bedroom. He likes to be dominant. Benson asks her if she likes that. Lana says sure.

Benson fills Rollins in. Benson now believes Kitty.

There is a 911 call. Kitty has broken into the apartment and attacked Josh. She's threatening to kill him with a broken bottle. Lana is crying as this is going on. Suddenly Lana screams at her to kill him. Lana says Josh said the same things to her about her having a rape fantasy. Kitty lets go of the bottle. Benson hugs Kitty.

Lana talks to Benson about how Josh helped her build her confidence. He was charming and supportive. Then they were looking at a loft in Chelsea, the one they live in now. He grabbed her when they were looking at the bedroom. She kissed him but then he pushed her onto the bed and didn't listen when she told him to stop. She was confused after and drove him home. He showed up the next day with flowers, champagne, and an apology and made it sound like she wanted to use her sexuality to cement their relationship. She is willing to testify.

Josh's lawyer is obnoxious. Josh says Lana would never turn on him. He says he gave the women what they wanted. Benson calls him a con man and says he's done.

Benson talks to Kitty who says she's been seeing a therapist. She's not sure anymore she wants an abortion. Benson says she's known women who have made theis decision and it has been hard. She asks her to promise that if she decides to become a mother she will love the baby unconditionally.

Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 20 Episode 19 Quotes

Priest: If anyone has just cause that these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Kitty: I do. I have a good reason. Dr. Henesly raped me.

Kitty: I just wanted someone to know.
Benson: Well, now everyone does.