Does Nikki Staines have a point? Should we be looking at one of our own for this?


Carisi: So you really expect us to believe that someone in our department drugged you and assaulted you just to steal your phone?
Staines: I've been threatened by cops before.

Carisi: I understand she's the victim, but I'd rather be on the side of someone who's not suing our department for 50 mil.
Benson: Okay, well that doesn't matter now.

Cop: White female, 40s, says she was assaulted. She was pretty out of it but she asked us to call SVU.
Fin: That's Nikki Staines.
Rollins: Ms. Staines. What happened to you?
Staines: I don't remember. I must have been drugged.

Dodds: Detective. Sergeant. Am I allowed to say how wonderful you look tonight?
Benson: Only if you say the same to Fin and Carisi.

Two hours of glad handling the brass. I am so ready to go home and put my feet up and watch TV.


Rollins: I have blue eyes.
Benson: Congratulations.
Rollins: Al has blue eyes. So Billy has blue eyes.
Benson: If I remember my high school biology correctly, it's called a recessive gene.
Rollins: Right. Now Zach and Rohan both have brown eyes. But Emerson has blue eyes.
Benson: Statistically speaking, the chances are he is not Rohan's son.

So two kids are kidnapped. One of them is dead. And we have a legal system that can't do anything about it? What the hell are we doing here?


Mrs. Mauer: Here's some Latin for you. Like father, like son. Maybe Emerson took after his old man.
Carisi: Did you just throw your son under the bus?

Emerson's Mom: This is harassment! I'm gonna sue you!
Fin: You wouldn't be the first.

I'm not letting some defense attorney tear her story to shreds. It's better she just forget the whole thing.


Emmett: I didn't know you had company.
Carisi: We just want to talk to you a little bit about Bailey Shaw.
[Emmett runs. Carisi tackles him]
Carisi: I forgot to tell you, you're under arrest for kidnapping.