Cassidy: I'm not one of your survivors. I'm a cop.
Benson: I know that. But -
Cassidy: Your pep talks and your support groups don't work on me. The best thing for us would have been if you never saw that photo.
Benson: Okay, clearly I'm saying the wrong thing here but I care about you and I don't want you to keep running away from this.
Cassidy: I'm not hurting your case.
Benson: It isn't about the case. I'm scared, Brian. I'm scared if you don't deal with this one day I'm gonna get a call that it's you they found with a plastic bag over your head.

Cassidy: I'm damaged goods. I see it every time I look in the mirror.
Stone: I think you should talk to Liv.
Cassidy: No. She can't know. You have to promise me you won't tell her.
Stone: She can help you.
Cassidy: No! She's the only person who ever saw any good in me. I need that.

What, you thought the gay guy had to have been fiddled with?


Cassidy: You know, I read your rap sheet on the way up here.
Leo: Did you?
Cassidy: Yeah, and I'd bet $100 that's booze in that thermos.
Leo: You know, I always liked you, Brian, but I'm not above knocking your lights out.

I am gonna bury you, Dolan. You're a serial predator who's been molesting boys since your days in Youth League.


Stone: That's a Colt. Your service weapon's a Glock.
Cassidy: You don't want to be here.
Stone: You gonna shoot me too? Cause you're gonna have to go through me. Don't let him ruin your life.
Cassidy: He already did. He needs to die after what he did to that kid, after what he did to me.

Carisi: Isn't this Rollins; case?
Benson: Jessie had the flu.
Carisi: Great. Kid germs. Now we're all gonna get it.
Benson: It's called a flu shot, Carisi. Get one.

Fin: Gary?
Gary: That's me.
Carisi: You the owner?
Gary: I might as well be. I've worked here 15 years. What's this about? That shoplifting thing last month?
Fin: Not exactly. [shows Gary photo] You recognize this kid?
Gary: Can't say I do.
Carisi: His name's Micah Fuller.
Gary: Micah... no. Sorry. Excuse me.
[The cops follow him to a counter of Polaroids]
Carisi: What is this, customer appreciation photos?
Gary: Yep.
Fin: Mind if we look at your camera?
Gary: Oh, that thing broke a long time ago.; What'd you say that kid's name is? Michael?
Fin: Micah Fuller.
Gary: Micah... no, sorry. I wish I could be of more help.

Mrs. Fuller: These photos are all of Mikah.
Mr. Fuller: Who the hell took them?
Mrs. Fuller: Does this mean he was molested?
Mr. Fuller: Of course that's what it means.

Benson: So if this is a suicide, why are we here?
Cop: Because of these photos. [Shows Benson the photos]
Carisi: Micah was a pedophile?
Cop: Looks like it finally caught up with him.
Benson: He may be dead, but his victims aren't.

She was 16 when she OD'd. Dead in the ground, cold, alone.It didn't have to end that way.

Judge Colfax

Baker: What the hell happened?
Fin: That's what we'd like to know. Someone tipped off Ramirez. Where you been?
Baker: Getting a warrant!
Fin: Why didn't you answer your cell?
Baker: You don't think I had something to do with this! Fin!
Fin: I think we need to talk. Right now.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
