I'm only here because I want to face my rapist, because I feel like if I can get justice maybe I can put my life back together!


I don't know what I want. But I know what I don't want. I don't want me and this baby and Jessie and Frannie crammed into my two-bedroom apartment.


Fin: My name is Detective Tutuola from the NYPD. You know a Peter Stone?
Sarah's Husband [off-screen]: Who is it, honey?
Sarah: Jehovah's Witnesses. [goes outside and closes door] Yes, I know a Peter Stone. I never want to hear that name again. Don't come here again.

Fin: You remember getting here?
Stone: Barely. I must have been in bad shape.
Fin: Yeah, you were messed up. What happened last night?
Stone: Did I say anything?
Fin: You said some woman accused you of rape.

Al: I want to ask you something. Commitment I've never made before.
Rollins: When I said I was happy -
Al: Hear me out, will you? Amanda Rollins, will you... go ahead and open it.
[Rollins opens box]
Rollins: A key?
Al: Will you move in with me?

Man: This is ridiculous. We were both drunk.
Judge: That is enough. Mr. Stone, I'm granting your request for remand.
Defendant: What does that mean?
Judge: It means you're going to jail, sir.

I don't want to get Judge Kavanaughed here.


I'm not gonna let some girl I never laid a hand on ruin my career.


Do me a favor, send the cops tomorrow during my shift. I want to see this go down.


Stone: In order to win, I need Kayla to testify.
Benson: No arm twisting, Peter.
Stone: Don't worry. I've been learning from someone who's pretty good at this.

As and I'm getting dressed and getting ready to leave, I realize I'm missing something. Son of a bitch had my panties in his pockets.


Rollins: Did he force you?
Kayla: What do you mean, force?
Fin: Did you give consent?
Kayla: It's not black and white. Look, I tried to say No at first, I felt like I should have kneed him in the balls, but..
Fin: That sounds pretty black and white to me.
Kayla: No, it's not...
Rollins: It sounds like your boss raped you.
Kayla: It's not rape if I say it's not!