Carisi: Bobby was making a lot of money off that book. Why would he go back to the streets?
Benson: Cause it's all he knows.
Carisi: Or someone was forcing him back into hooking.

Benson: Tell us what happened.
Will: I killed him. I hit him over and over and over with a brick.
Benson: We know that. What we want to know is what happened
Will: I'm not gay!

Carisi: Maybe another writer was jealous.
Fin: Enough to kill?
Carisi: Faulkner would have killed Gore Vidal out of principle.

It's such a tragedy. Bobbie would have been one of the greats. William S. Burroughs. People who show the world as it is, not as it should be.

Bookstore manager

Carisi: Any signs of rape?
Benson: No.
Carisi: So what are we doing here?
Benson: She isn't a she, at least not physically. We may be looking at a hate crime.

Cop: It's a nasty one, Sonny.
Carisi: Aren't they all?

Benson: Peter, I am sorry for what you went through, especially if it seemed like I doubted you.
Stone: Don't be. That's why I work with you. And honestly, with all the noise coming at me... for a moment I doubted myself.

Benson: Her story is credible.
Stone: What about my story? You said you believed me.

What do you say to dopes like me? Guys who didn't know their wives were raped.


Carisi: Rollins, I know our job is to believe survivors; we start from there. But on this one... I believe him.
Rollins: You're allowed to feel that way.
Carisi: I don't think I am.

Way things are, we're all looking at our past through a different prism.


I'm only here because I want to face my rapist, because I feel like if I can get justice maybe I can put my life back together!


Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
