If I have any more of this tequila, I'm going to end up going home with Marco.


If she's claiming that I raped her, then this is some kind of shakedown.


Kayla: I had a lot to drink.
Benson: Where?
Kayla: I don't remember. Everything's fuzzy.
Rollins: That's perfectly normal. A lot of victims have difficulty remembering.
Kayla: I'm not a victim!
Benson: Well, Kayla, I think that maybe last night you were.

Driver: I'm the victim here!
Fin: You ripped her blouse!
Driver: Did she say I did that?

Man: Just run my card. [pulls waitress onto his lap]
Waitress: All right, gentlemen. It's not that kind of club.

Now here's the truth. I feel for every woman in this courtroom, for the unrealistic expectations that society puts on you. But here's the thing. That does not allow you to kill without consequence.


Anna: They're better off dead than in a world without...
Stone: Without what?
Anna: Isn't it obvious? Without me.
Stone: I have news for you. You're not so special.

Benson: You know, last night, I put Noah to bed. I kissed him goodnight, turned out the light, and then I just stood there, watching him sleep, for two hours.
Rollins: I did the same thing.
[They hug]
Benson: Sometimes life just sucks. You know, Amanda, you should keep those flowers.
Rollins: Why?
Benson: Because sometimes you need a little pretty.

I've been a cop for 20 years and never in my career have I seen anything like this. She convinced herself that murdering her children and murdering her husband was the only choice.


What kind of legal system do we have if a woman like Anna Mills can kill her children and get away with it?


Benson: What is it?
Delores: It's nothing.
Benson: Tell me.
Delores: Every night, Mrs. Anna says buenos noches. Good night. But that night, she said adios. Goodbye. And she kissed me. She never kissed me.

Are you buying any of this? Cause it sounds to me like a made-up syndrome cooked up by a defense attorney.


Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
