Bobby: I've been going through the books.
Luna: Bobby. You do numbers.I do ideas. Big ideas.

Women need to know it's okay to love our bodies, especially the parts that people tell us not to love.


No more of this. No more! These women were at their most vulnerable and you made them demean themselves. They came here looking for the American Dream but you put them through a living hell.


Detective: You tell stories, Eddie. Well, I'm here to tell you one, a sad story about a woman who loved a man so much she did a terrible thing to be with him.
Eddie: Does this story also have to do with Rory O'oole?

You were playing a role. Isn't it possible he was playing one too?


Benson: He deserves no less than 15 years.
Fin: Throw the book at him.
Carisi: I'm trying but I need something better to go on.

Lina: My husband is already going crazy with jealousy. He is following me around, checking my phone.
Benson: You sound like you're scared of him. [sees bruise] Did he do this to you? Lina, listen to me. You don't have to stay with Joe. You were the victim of a crime. We can get you a U-Visa

I want to give you an easy out here. My client is a USCIS employee. It's his job to find green card scams. He found one.


Benson: At first he meets with the couples separately at his office, and then he tells the women to meet him outside of the office.
Fin: He tells them, 'You want a green card? I deserve a little loving too.'
Benson: And if they turn O'Toole down, they end up in ICE detention awaiting deportation.
Fin: And he can deport their families too.
Garland: This abuse of power sickens me.

Benson: We know that O'Toole talked to you three times outside of the office.
Lina: Three times. But what I did, I had to do.

Well, that went viral like the flu.


Woman: A black man can't even go to work? He'll lose his job!
Fin: He is a groper! Imagine if it was your mother or your sister.

Law & Order: SVU Season 21 Quotes

Rollins: Your name's Carisi and you're pulling an Irish goodbye?
Carisi: I didn't want anyone making a fuss.
Rollins: How are you feeling?
Carisi: I'm scared. I turned in my gun yesterday. But if I don't make this move now, I never will.
Rollins: Well, before you leave me, how about one last drink?

Dodds: You really spared no expense.
Benson: Hey. It's not like we throw a lot of parties.