Churlish: Should we bring them in before they go back to Albany?
Benson: Let's wait for the rape kit. And then we bring in the whole team, debate or no debate.

Benson: You're a very smart girl, Naomi, and you get top grades. But sometimes things happen that we aren't equipped to deal with.
Naomi: And sometimes a fire is just a fire.

Maxwell: You know, my first husband left me enough to take care of myself. Roger doesn't have much money of his own. I give him a monthly allowance. Tell me, did I do something wrong to cause this?
Benson: Roger made his own choices. You are not to blame.
Maxwell: I wish I had your conviction.

Blumfeld: Is there a promotion in this for you?
Carisi: I've met you a few times, and I don't know you very well, but you don't know me at all.

Maxwell: Are you here to arrest him?
Benson: I'm sorry. But there will be no perp walk and no cuffs. We will do this as discreetly as possible.
Roger: No, no. I'm not going anywhere with you.
Maxwell: Yes you are. You will go quietly and you will keep your mouth shut until -
Roger: Until what, you can find a way to save your own ass?

Benson: At best, Roger thought these girls were granddaughters of club members.
Carisi: And at worst, he was engaging in prostitution of minors.
Benson: Either way, it doesn't bode well for Maxwell's marriage.
Carisi: Or her career. Stuff like this is poison to the eighth floor.

Velasco: Loyalty is everything with the cartel. People don't get out.
Churlish: You did.
Velasco: I came this close.
Churlish: Close to what?
Velasco: Dying. Chili should have added me to his body count that night.

Benson: What are we looking at?
Bruno: Professional skeet shooter. She used her husband's reproductive organs as a clay pigeon.

You're here early. Shouldn't you be at home organizing your merit badges or something?


Carisi: Don't forget he is a rapist.
Benson: I'm not making excuses for him, but he's also a victim. We need to remember that and treat him like one.

Connie: I'm horrified. I thought I knew Henry. Maybe he was jealous of my son or my son was jealous of him.
Carisi: So it was a regular cocaine and Abel, huh?

Life isn't pass/fail, Churlish.


Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Quotes

Nicole: I don't need you to pretend to want to help e.
Benson: I'm not pretending. If I say I will help you, I will.

The only thing people agree on nowadays is burying people who hurt young kids.
