I survived losing my husband. I can survive losing my best friend. But I will not lose this trial.


Jenna: Love is messy. Sometimes it means commitment to someone who can't take care of themselves.
Muncy: Yeah, commitment, not sexual assault.

Zoe: I didn't know it was her. I feel so stupid.
Benson: It's called willful blindness. I've had more than my share.

Jenna: I feel bad. I was the one who pushed Zoe to get back on the market. My marriage is pretty boring. I wanted to live vicariously through her.
Benson: Life is a strange mix of beauty and pain and we can't control how it unfolds for the people we love.

Muncy: Captain, I noticed that Velasco's motorcycle isn't parked outside for the third day in a row.
Benson: Great work, detective, but I told you that Velasco is taking a few days off.

He is the textbook definition of an unreliable witness.


Fin: You talked to McGrath?
Benson: Not yet.
Fin: Okay, this is where I remind you: you're the captain. As your Number 2, the greatest gift I can give you is plausible deniability.

Fin: We all make mistakes, and even in the NYPD there is room for redemption.
Velasco: You think Benson sees it that way?
Fin: You didn't ask for my advice, but I'm gonna give it anyway. Show your loyalty to her, not to me, not to the NYPD, and certainly not to a man who's responsible for an unsolved murder.

I'd rather die in prison. The second the cell doors close, I won't remember why I was there. That boy will remember everything. Some memories are worse than prison.


Velasco: You recorded me? Why aren't you arresting her?
Churlish: For what?
Velasco: It's a felony in New York to record someone without their permission.
Fin: Good thing we're not in a courtroom, then.

Boy: Why did you let me win?
Girl: I've never heard you speak before.
Boy: It's better that way. You heard them laughing.
Girl: I read your story. The one on the wall. About the boy who lived on the moon so he didn't have to talk to anyone.
Boy: It's better that way. Trust me.

Cop: Hey, sir! I asked you a question. What do you remember?
Pence: I did it. I made love to her and then I killed her. I remember it all.

Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Quotes

Nicole: I don't need you to pretend to want to help e.
Benson: I'm not pretending. If I say I will help you, I will.

The only thing people agree on nowadays is burying people who hurt young kids.
