Fin: You talked to McGrath?
Benson: Not yet.
Fin: Okay, this is where I remind you: you're the captain. As your Number 2, the greatest gift I can give you is plausible deniability.

Velasco: You recorded me? Why aren't you arresting her?
Churlish: For what?
Velasco: It's a felony in New York to record someone without their permission.
Fin: Good thing we're not in a courtroom, then.

Fin: All this says to me is Velasco did his research on this case for his lie.
Benson: That's a lot of homework for a mid-level banger.

He is the textbook definition of an unreliable witness.


Boy: Why did you let me win?
Girl: I've never heard you speak before.
Boy: It's better that way. You heard them laughing.
Girl: I read your story. The one on the wall. About the boy who lived on the moon so he didn't have to talk to anyone.
Boy: It's better that way. Trust me.

Cop: Hey, sir! I asked you a question. What do you remember?
Pence: I did it. I made love to her and then I killed her. I remember it all.

Look, man, we all have armor upfront. And I know it's heavy, but I believe after tonight you'll be able to let go of some of yours.


Benson: Can we trust this CO?
Carisi: The guy is a grade-A scumbag with more self-interest than most.

Benson: What are you doing up at this hour?
Fin: You know what they say. If you can't find a good person, be one.
Benson: Okay, but do you have to do it while the rest of us are sleeping?

Dutch: Why didn't you shoot him?
Bruno: Because even though I'm rich, I like my pension.

Dutch: Bruno sounds like a dog's name.
Bruno: Just tell us what happened.
Dutch: I don't want to relive it.
Bruno: Well, you're going to have to if you want to get this guy.

I need help, Sergeant, and I don't want to wait til morning. I've waited 23 years. Isn't that long enough?


Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Quotes

Nicole: I don't need you to pretend to want to help e.
Benson: I'm not pretending. If I say I will help you, I will.

The only thing people agree on nowadays is burying people who hurt young kids.
