Rafael: He’s not lying. I know him, if he says there’s a fire-breathing woman running through the woods. Then there is a fire...
Alaric: [Interrupting] There’s a fire-breathing woman running through the woods!
[Hope is speechless and Landon falls down relieved]
Alaric: Did I or did I not say don’t engage?!
Hope: He’s only dangerous if crappy apologies could count.
Alaric: Well, looks can be deceiving. Now our bus refugee ... turns out she’s a pyromancer.
Landon: What’s a pyromancer?
Hope: A fire-breathing witch.

Hope: Why should I believe you?
Rafael: ‘Cause I don’t lie.
[Hope stifles a giggle and nods]
Hope: Everybody lies.

Dana: Your sister sucks at football. You should’ve absorbed her in the womb.
Lizzie: You know what, we’ve been playing this game for years. And for years you have been digging at me. Is it because I’m prettier than you?
Dana: Honestly, I just get a thrill from tormenting all the crazies. Speaking of, it’s been a while since you paid a visit to my mom’s pharmacy. Maybe you’re feeling a bit delusional since you’re off your meds?

Lizzie: New plan: gloves are off! Let’s burn these b**** to the ground!
Josie: Lizzie, no!
Lizzie: We’re gonna give these townies a taste of what we’re really made of.
[Lizzie puts her hand in the center and M. G. places his on top]
MG: You can count on my steel.
Lizzie: Eww, gross!

Penelope: This is a long con, Milton. Trust me, Lizzie’s nemesis Dana liking you it’s the puzzle piece you need to crack Lizzie’s candy shell and get to her gooey center. Today was a total win ... for you.
MG: You hate Lizzie. Why do you care?
[Penelope leans in to his ear to whisper]
Penelope: Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Legacies Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Hope: Why should I believe you?
Rafael: ‘Cause I don’t lie.
[Hope stifles a giggle and nods]
Hope: Everybody lies.

Rafael: He’s not lying. I know him, if he says there’s a fire-breathing woman running through the woods. Then there is a fire...
Alaric: [Interrupting] There’s a fire-breathing woman running through the woods!
[Hope is speechless and Landon falls down relieved]
Alaric: Did I or did I not say don’t engage?!
Hope: He’s only dangerous if crappy apologies could count.
Alaric: Well, looks can be deceiving. Now our bus refugee ... turns out she’s a pyromancer.
Landon: What’s a pyromancer?
Hope: A fire-breathing witch.