Seems mom might not be a lying sack of savagery after all.

You are wasting your time, Mazikeen. You couldn't break me in Hell. What makes you think you can do it here?


When exactly did you surrender your manhood?

Is this thing on?

Ella: I've seem some guys with some pretty tiny lady hands.
Lucifer: Dan doesn't count.

Abandon the child in its time of need, and it won't trust you in the future. Is that what you want, Detective Decker?

Devil emoji? That's it. I'm talking to a copyright lawyer today.

Lucifer: Once upon a time, a boy met a girl. They fell in love. They had sex. The only trouble was they were celestial beings and that moment created the universe.
Dr. Martin: The Big Bang?
Lucifer: Never knew how appropriate the name was until now, did ya?

I have a smaple of your blood and I'm going to test it and find out exactly what you are once and for all.


I'm not afraid of anything, but finding out what STDs you have.


Sweet candy coating on the outside, delicious evil on the inside.

I doubt, so I can believe.


Lucifer Season 2 Quotes

Lucifer: Once upon a time, a boy met a girl. They fell in love. They had sex. The only trouble was they were celestial beings and that moment created the universe.
Dr. Martin: The Big Bang?
Lucifer: Never knew how appropriate the name was until now, did ya?

Amenadiel: Well, maybe she's not in Los Angeles.
Lucifer: She's here. I kept her in prison for thousands of years. She's coming for me. I know it.