Nadine: Any one of substance will dismiss the story.
Matt: And what about the rest of the country?

And confirmations are in for your Global Development meeting in Montreal. So far, you're meeting with chef Jamie Oliver to discuss global children's nutrition, the Saudi Foreign Minister Kasib Hajar exploring the future of solar power, and George Clooney to stare deeply into his eyes. [pause] And talk mass genocide.


Elizabeth: It's a classic negotiating tactic. The more I chase after him, the more control he has over the discussion. Secretary Albright actually taught me that one.
Nadine: I believe it was, uh, Wendy Rogers who taught me another classic negotiating tactic. If a guy won't talk to you, send in a close companion to bridge the gap.
Elizabeth: Wendy Rogers?
Nadine: The most popular girl in sixth grade.

Elizabeth: We apologized. It's forgotten.
Russell: Really? The French forget? 'Cause every representative they send over here still manages to bring up "Freedom fries" at least once.

Elizabeth: And my remarks will be rich with praise for everything French?
Matt: Rich and thick like a fine béarnaise.

Blake: Good morning, ma'am. Russell Jackson's office needs your approval on this.
Elizabeth: Coffee?
Blake: Café au lait. The White House barista has been practicing for the state dinner.
Elizabeth: It's coffee with milk.
Blake: The French are picky...and easily insulted.

Allison: Forget it. I'll just power through, and develop an ulcer, and later in life, I'll send you a bill for all my therapy.
Elizabeth: [pause] Do you want to go to therapy?

Allison: So, Dad's just never coming back then?
Elizabeth: Yes, I forgot to tell you that your father's taken the cutest little apartment in the Pentagon.

Daisy: Whew. Okay, so let's see. We busted a stalker, we rescued some priceless artifacts, took the fight to HS and saved Algeria, and we held together our most vital military alliance.
Matt: All without offending the French.

Loyalty is a tough thing to predict in this town.


God, I hate hope.


Henry: You know what my dad said to me, the night before I got married? "Marriage is the nicest way to confront your own inadequacies on a daily basis."
Stevie: You should write that in a song.

Madam Secretary Quotes

I won't say the David Bowie thing.


Elizabeth: When he says it's my call, what does he mean by that?
Russell: He means it's your ass.