There's a shared goal between our departments.


We do not need couples therapy.


We tried a fish tank when the kids were little, but I just kept over feeding them. Everything sounds like a metaphor in here, doesn't it?


Whatever happens, we're together.


I know you want to help me, but you can't. Because you remind me of how I failed.


He was a terrified kid who didn't want to die.


See, I love this, all the ingredients you need for a gourmet meal in a box.


The terrorist group Hizb al-Shahid has only been in existence for a short time, but has already perpetrated countless acts of violence across the globe including setting off a dirty bomb in Virginia. My family was at ground zero during the attack and because of that I wondered if I was the right person to stand here today and ask you for your help. Is it too personal? And then I realized, yes, it is personal to me, and to every single one of us. Because the principal at the core of the United Nations is that all people, regardless of race, color, or creed, deserve to live lives of peace, free from the tyranny of sudden violence.


Elizabeth: Is Hello Kitty still in?
Stevie: Oh, Hello Kitty is the Chanel of our time. It'll never be out.
Elizabeth: That's just a little bit depressing.

Could you stop at the Hello Kitty store in Times Square and get me this cute pencil case? It's an exclusive.


You're going to New York? Nobody tells me anything!


You see, that is why I never read classified documents before I got to bed. All that catastrophic thinking kind of messes with the brain waves.


Madam Secretary Quotes

I won't say the David Bowie thing.


Elizabeth: When he says it's my call, what does he mean by that?
Russell: He means it's your ass.