If [Hines] was lying about an affair with Sandra, what else was he lying about?

Thomas [to Juliet]

Your screw-up kid sister finally got it together. Sorry to disappoint.

Ruthie [to Rick]

Mahina: So I have a confession to make.
T.C.: OK.
Mahina: I get kind of nervous when I know there's something you're not telling me.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to take this and die of embarrassment.


Rae: I'm probably exactly what you expected.
Katsumoto: Actually, I didn't have any expectations. Prior to today, I'd never heard of you.
Rae: And here I am, assuming you know all about me.

Higgins: So is it him I'm helping or is it you?
Rick: Both.

If I don't like him, he's gone.

Rae [about Katsumoto]

T.C.: So what are you thinking?
Magnum: I don't know. Something's not right. I'm going to find out what it is.

Magnum: How do you know I have good news?
Higgins: You have that look.
Magnum: What look?
Higgins: It's kind of a confident smirk.

T.C.: Jin overbid on the unit because he knew it belonged to a thief.
Jin: When you say it like that, I feel you diminish my genius.

Higgins: Did you accomplish anything today other than saving Instagram models from very harmful UV rays?
Magnum: Very funny. But yes, I can multitask.

I'm just going to summarize. I think that your ego is ever so slightly bruised by the fact that I trust you implicitly.

Juliet [to Thomas]