Look, when we first met, I didn't like you, not only because you were difficult but because I dislike all teenagers. But now you're an adult and you've grown on me.


Page: What is everyone putting money in that jar on the Lieutenant's desk?
Nolan: You pay him 5 cent for printing. Everyone does it. And never sit at Lieutenant's desk.
Page: Anything else I need to know?
Nolan: Yeah. It's great that you can get into Commander Raydor's head so well, but you might want to let her talk first, since she is in charge.

Hobbs: Congratulations, you have finally made me suspect Father Jonas.
Provenza: And that's a problem because?
Hobbs: You've also made me think I have to investigate Ryan's biological parents, and reopen the investigation into the death of his stepfather, because the theory that the three boys covered up his murder suddenly seems plausible. And then there's the unhinged neighbor and his daughter who has a driver's license. A defense attorney would have a field day with all of this. Call me when you drain the suspect pool.

Father Stan: This search is unnecessary.
Sharon: It would be if the church had cooperated.

Sharon: That is why we must investigate every suspect.
Priest: Suspects, yes. Priests, no.
Provenza: Sometimes on the Venn Diagram, suspects and priests overlap.

Nancy: I've been waiting for an hour.
Mason: Sorry, Nancy. But I'll make it worth your while. We have a person of interest in this case but of course this is not for attribution.
Nancy: If you're not willing to go on the record, don't give me this person of interest crap. It looks like these boys killed their friend and ran away. If that's not the answer, I'm going to need something I can use for background.

Tao: Detective Page was gifted us by Chief Mason.
Sanchez: Mason. You a spy?
Provenza: No, she's not a spy! What she is is a damn good detective.

Sanchez: I heard on the news that the Garzas are third-generation Americans like me, and Danielle Roja's family came from San Antonio -- pre-Alamo.
Sykes: Why is the news even talking about how long people are here for?

Sharon: Chief, you tipped them off!
Provenza: You said that this investigation was not a press opportunity!
Mason: I changed my mind.
Provenza: So it's okay for you to decide that and not me?
Mason: That's right. I'm the boss. And sometimes the press can make inroads where we can't.
Sharon: This is gonna make the church very, very angry.
Mason: I'm not a Catholic.
Sharon Well, I am.

Rusty: How many clumsy people does Stroh know. An electrocution, a drowning, a car going over a hill side...
Buzz: There doesn't seem to be a pattern.
Rusty: Stroh is the pattern.

Sharon: Enough about guns. Did you and Gus ever get to talk?
Rusty: No. I'm gonna write him a letter like they used to do in the 1980s just to say no hard feelings.

Page: No news is good news, right?
Provenza: No news is nothing.

Major Crimes Quotes

Waddya know. A hanging Chad.


Provenza: Oh this is a crappy way to make a living. Working with the worst the world has to offer without being in charge.
Flynn: You weren't in charge for eight years.
Provenza: Yeah, but now I'm mad about it.