I'll follow my doctor's orders but I must, I must, I must plan for the worst. I've lived my whole life as a Catholic, and if necessary I want to die as one.


Commander, if you get tired, do not wait for us, not even for a second.


Rusty: Mom, are you sure you shouldn't head home? The doctor said you shouldn't overdo it.
Sharon: I know, but I've spent so much time in this office and I'm not exactly ready to leave it.

Ms. Landon: They're trying to ruin my family.
Sharon: You have your husband to thank for that, Ms. Landon. Have a seat.

My beautiful family. Let me first say how much I loved you and how much I felt in return.


Those of us gathered today view her passing as a personal tragedy for which we will mourn for the rest of our lives. But for the community she served, her death is nothing less than a calamity. In times like this it is often said that it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. So I light a candle. But I also curse the darkness.


Provenza: You two were supposed to be protecting ADA Rios, correct? So what the hell happened.
Security Guard: We checked the house and the grounds, sir, and found nothing.
Provenza: Why was she was out here alone?
Security Guard: She liked to go for a swim before bed. Or maybe she didn't want us here. I don't know.
Provenza: You don't know? You guys had one job.

Like joy, grief cannot be absorbed all at once. I find it comes in stages. Like shock, and anger because there was so much more that I wanted to do with all of you.


Flynn: That was a very nice speech, eulogy, whatever it was.
Provenza: I'm just glad I got through it.

The last time I just stood by and let someone do what they wanted, how did that work out? Huh? How did that work out?


Stroh: Kid looks miserable. But what happened to his mother?
Dylan: You have anything to do with killing her?
Stroh: No. But it doesn't mean I can't enjoy her death a little.

Oh Rusty, I hope you never have to see this and we have many years left but in case I am not there, beyond how much I love you, I want you to consider how to protect yourself from Philip Stroh.


Major Crimes Quotes

Waddya know. A hanging Chad.


Provenza: Oh this is a crappy way to make a living. Working with the worst the world has to offer without being in charge.
Flynn: You weren't in charge for eight years.
Provenza: Yeah, but now I'm mad about it.