Rusty: They gave her an EKG or an EEG, whichever it is, and an MRI.
Provenza: All those tests for the flu?
Rusty: They said it was standard.
Provenza: I'm sure they took one look at her insurance and realized she can afford every expensive test in the world. But don't you worry. I've had all those tests, and look at me.

Ryan: We know he was found dead in a flower bed. The FBI told us.
Provenza: They couldn't just say 'found dead.' They had to give the circumstances.

Sharon: I am just going to write Lieutenant Provenza an email about a little idea I just had and then I am done.
Andy: And then will you tell me what the doctor said about everything?

Provenza: Lucas. Lucas who is conveniently dead. Doctor, that is why we need you to catch Ryan in just one little lie -
Dr. Joe: It is my job to listen to this boy privately to assess his mental fitness. No listening in. It's your job to catch lies.

Sharon: The cardiologist said most people die WITH this disease, not FROM this disease.
Rusty: So what can I do to help?
Sharon: Accept the full undercover LAPD security detail. That will take a lot of stress off my heart, I am sure.
Rusty: Wow. I know it's your job to make people feel guilt about things. But wow.

Sanchez: The suicide note was a fake.
Provenza: Julio...
Sanchez: What kind of father murders his own son and dumps the body at a church? Are you telling me he had no other way to get more oxy than to kill his own son?
Raydor: Julio.
Sanchez: This is not a suicide. It's a murder. [pause] Sitting down now, ma'am.

Ryan: I have to tell them. I killed Hector and now Lucas is dead and who knows what the cartel is going to do next.
Hobbs: He just confessed to the wrong murder.

Sanchez: Tell me one more time what I can't do! I'm one second from putting you in the back of my car and driving you to the Mexican border myself!
Hobbs: So much for not threatening the undocumented.

Rusty: Mom is at the morgue with Tao and Lieutenant Provenza. She's trying to close out this case of the St. Joseph's 3 that's been all over the news.
Flynn: Yeah. So you might have to have dinner without us.
Ricky: But we're still on for the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night, right?
Flynn: That's up in the air too.
Emily: I don't understand. Didn't the doctor tell Mom she has to slow down?

Ricky: From now on we don't want you to take care of us. We want to take care of you.
Sharon: If I can't do any of the things that make life worth living, what is the point of being here at all?

My son goes missing. You find him. Dead. My husband commits suicide. And you're reading me my rights? Are you actual detectives, or do you just exist to make people's lives miserable?

Mrs. Garza

I haven't slept in the last two weeks and I'm tired. And I've had enough of this case. So in the interest of time, I'm just going to bluntly ask you who you were having an affair with prior to Lucas' death.


Major Crimes Quotes

Waddya know. A hanging Chad.


Provenza: Oh this is a crappy way to make a living. Working with the worst the world has to offer without being in charge.
Flynn: You weren't in charge for eight years.
Provenza: Yeah, but now I'm mad about it.