Father Stan: Sharon, your children told me you had a health scare over the weekend.
Sharon: I'm fine now. If you'd like to observe the interview electronically, come this way.
Father Stan: Sharon. You and I have both been struggling very hard to balance our separate vocations with a personal relationship. I have been praying with you and your family for 22 years, and it is in that capacity that I ask... how are you feeling?

Flynn: Look, Father, you have a pattern of behavior that leads up to reasonable doubt. If you don't like the way I'm questioning you, wait til you get on the stand and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Nolan: So help you God.

So what happened? She stopped, rolled down her window, and ados?


Provenza: Bonnie's purse was missing. Is it possible this could be random?
Sharon: Nothing is random in the Palisades.

Page: Mr. Pearl, we ask that you not make a big news statement about your mother's death.
Stan: It isn't about you, is it?
Page: No, it's about finding your mother's murderer.
Stan: You do your job, I'll do mine. Excuse me, detectives.

Sykes: I guess the cat's out of the bag.
Flynn: Out of the bag? More like run over by an 18-wheeler.

Rusty: Don't tell me you're sorry that you slept with Aiden. I don't want to hear about it.
Gus: What's on your wall?
Rusty: Those are people who died because they're connected to Philip Stroh.
Gus: Are you safe?
Rusty: It really doesn't concern you.

Flynn: I know this guy Craig was a scumbag, but at least he told them what they were in for.
Julio: You can't require someone be molested. It voids the contract.

Kyle Bixby is more than a fraud. He is an emotional rapist!

Bonnie Pearl [on TV]

Oh... you think I'm involved because that bitch took everything I owned and put me in directing jail for the last five years!


Sharon: What are all those boxes stacked by your bed?
Rusty: Oh. Gus stopped by to return absolutely everything I left at his place.
Sharon: Oh. How'd it go?
Rusty: We're both busy with other things. I have to keep my focus on getting into law school, and Gus is struggling to find another job.
Sharon: Gus is struggling? Why?
Rusty: Because when he stopped sleeping with him, Aiden fired him and won't help him get another job. And that is the kind of man Gustavo chose over me.
Sharon: I don't know why Gustavo chose him, but what Aiden is doing is illegal.
Rusty: It is?
Sharon: Yes. You cannot fire someone or hold back a reference just because they won't sleep with you. It's sexual harassment. We don't put people in jail for it, but it is against the law.

Sharon: Craig seems to have a thing for attractive women.
Sykes: We'll see what we can do, but we're over 30.

Major Crimes Quotes

Waddya know. A hanging Chad.


Provenza: Oh this is a crappy way to make a living. Working with the worst the world has to offer without being in charge.
Flynn: You weren't in charge for eight years.
Provenza: Yeah, but now I'm mad about it.