Buzz: Well I don't know if it's a major crime, but I can tell you from experience, the car/bike thing is a major problem.
Provenza: You're going to regret selling that Prius. You'll learn that the hard way.

Sykes: How'd it go?
Mark: Great! I won at golf and a judge said that Julio'd be the best guardian ever.
Buzz: Congratulations.
Provenza: You think you've won but you're in it up to your neck, now.
Julio: Don't listen to him. We're gonna be a great family.
Mark: So can I call you Dad now?
Julio: Well technically I'm not your dad.
Mark: But I'm your son, right?
Julio: Technically, you're my ward.
Mark: Why am I your ward? I don't want to be your ward.

Ricky: Okay. So all Andy has to do is prove that he was too emotionally immature to get married to his first wife and they'll grant the annulment.
Rusty: Except for that Mom wants Andy to come up with this idea himself. Why is the church so important to Mom anyway? I mean she goes to Mass a lot, but I don't go to church, do you?
Ricky: I'm an Easter Catholic. Look, it's not about us. It's about Mom. The church was there for her. It was her support system when we were growing up.

Julio: Sir, I want to remind you -
Provenza: Julio, if you remind me about your court appearance one more time, I'm going to arrest you instead of the suspect. Now you will get out in plenty of time to putt-putt your way through the window.

Ricky: Not bad, Andy. Nice work.
Flynn: Well, I couldn't afford to get her a ring as nice as she deserves but I did try,

Woman: The thing about Mary was that she was tough. And grumpy.
Buzz: No wonder you liked her, sir.
Provenza: I just wish I remembered why.

Sharon: Mary's biggest defense was that her captain didn't like a woman in the unit.
Flynn: Well, it was a bit of a boy's club back then.
Sharon: It still is. But I don't know how much of a feminist she really was. When I caught her for fraud she called me a bitch.

Provenza: She was killed with her old badge?
Julio: She kept it up on this cadenza.
Provenza: Kendall, time of death?
Kendall: Between 9 to 11. She was hit three or four times in the head though only one would have done the job.
Provenza: These are uncertain times.

Provenza: Ah hah! Landlord works quick.
Amy: That's what I thought at first but that sign's been up for a couple months. So you can keep your faith in humanity.
Provenza: I doubt that.

Morales: I may have exaggerated to my father how closely I work with Major Crimes.
Provenza: Exaggerated how?
Morales: How would you like to work for me this week?

Mark: I don't like being left alone in cars!
Julio: You won't be alone. There'll be lots of cops around. And there's a dead body. You can't come with me anyway.
Mark: But I want to see the dead body!
Julio: No you don't.
Mark: Yes I do!
Julio: Mark, what's the rule? Do you want to hold onto the iPad or not?

Julio: Mark, when your grandmother gets here, I want you to be nice to her?
Mark: Why? She left me all by myself! You can't let her take me back with her!
Julio: No, no, no. But she's your familia, Mark and when someone in your family does something wrong, you don't do something wrong too. You forgive them. Now your grandmother is old and she is afraid.
Mark: But you don't forgive people. You arrest them.
Julio: That's true. But the criminals I arrest, they're the people who never learned how to forgive. Is that the kind of person you want to grow up to be?

Major Crimes Quotes

Waddya know. A hanging Chad.


Provenza: Oh this is a crappy way to make a living. Working with the worst the world has to offer without being in charge.
Flynn: You weren't in charge for eight years.
Provenza: Yeah, but now I'm mad about it.