Legally I have all the rights and responsibilities of a mother and I do not need to ask your permission to seek medical attention for my son.


When you allow your daughter to date a monster and she kills herself, it's never over. Never.

Deputy Diaz

Dr. Joe: I'm not sure that you that you understand, in taking care of yourself the way you did, you were subjected to a form of physical abuse that, legally, we would call rape.
Rusty: Rape? No. I was never raped. I charged people for what I did. I solicited. I chose to do that.
Dr. Joe: And did you also choose to be left behind when your mother left L.A. with her boyfriend? Did you choose to live on the streets when you were 15 years old? And if you didn't choose those things, would you describe taking care of yourself under those conditions as something you deserved?

Flynn: Because I don't care who you are, you don't use a picture of your own kid as bait for a rapist.
Hobbs: Prove it, Lieutenant.

There is a difference, you know, between being mentally ill and emotionally injured.


Sharon said we would be playing chess. If you're any good, you can figure out what you need to know about me by my game.


Oh yeah, right, because all us L.A. Latinos, we know each other, right Flynn? Oh. Huh. I do know him.


Rusty: I'm only agreeding to do this because I love you. You know that, right?
Sharon: I do.

  • Permalink: I do.
  • Added:

What is it with you and the mental health industry?


Chris Harris: You better damn well follow this warrant to the letter. My brother's an attorney.
Provenza: You have my condolences. Now stand over there.

Sanchez: Mr. Early Admissions: Against the wall, hands behind your back.

You know what else causes serious trauma issues? Snorting cyanide up your nose.


Major Crimes Quotes

Waddya know. A hanging Chad.


Provenza: Oh this is a crappy way to make a living. Working with the worst the world has to offer without being in charge.
Flynn: You weren't in charge for eight years.
Provenza: Yeah, but now I'm mad about it.