Phil: Listen, Frank, you had a good run. There was a moment there when your poster was on the wall of every teenage girl across the country. A huge swath of the teenage population discovered the wonders of masturbation to your photo.
Frank: That's high praise indeed.

Secrets only live in shadows and there are no shadows in the light.


Robert: Janet, have you done something different with your hair?
Janet: Thank you so much for noticing.
Victor: Forgive me for being so busy changing the world that I didn't notice your bangs had grown out.

Some people hide behind makeup, others behind a smile. It's still hiding.


Chase: I gotta go.
Alex [looking at the jocks]: Cause of these guys? We used to make fun of guys like these.
Chase: Yeah, and now we make fun of guys like you.

We're ready. Tonight, another becomes eternal.


Marvel's Runaways Quotes

Geoffrey: Those friends of yours are probably feeling the exact same way you are today.
Alex: Actually, they're doing just fine.
Geoffrey: Or maybe they're better at hiding what's really going on.

Kids that know you when you're young? No one will ever know you like that again. Don't give up on that.
