Phil: Those drops are really hanging on. I’m like Han Solo when he came out of the carbonite. Nothing?
Alex: I get it. Star Trek.
Phil: You’re breaking my heart.

Alex: So what're you gonna do in Utah.
Andy: Well, me and my girlfriend haven’t seen each other in a while so we're gonna be like a couple bunny rabbits…
Alex: Wow.
Andy: Hopping all over town.

You guys exhaust me.


Jerry: Where did she come from?
Mitchell: Because she doesn't look like us? That’s offensive.

I think I just broke a nail on a turtle.


Just so you know sometimes when babies come this early, they're black.


Thanks to 35 dollars on the Internet you are looking at the Good Reverend Phillip Humphrey Dunphy.


Half our guests are gay; we're finally giving them a good memory on a school bus.


Mitchell: This is my second favorite suit of yours.
Cam: Second?
Mitchell: Right after your birthday suit.
Cam: Hey! Cut it out, I'm practically a married man.

Don't cry, you'll streak your bronzer.

Mitchell [to Cam]

Claire: There's a reason I'm the best person.
Mitchell: You know that's just a title for today right?
Claire: Yeah, I'm the best person at this wedding.

Wait is fire weather?
